On March 11, 2015, William Casey King, Executive Director, Yale Center for Analytic Sciences, Yale School of Public Health...
Dr. Erin Larkin
On January 13, 2015, Dr. Larkin delivered the talk “ ‘My Futurism’: Reflections on the Women of the Italian Avant-...
In lieu of a formal December meeting, we, the members and friends of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences (CASS) had...
On November 5, 2014, Annabel Patterson, Sterling Professor Emeritus of English, Yale University spoke on “The Hussey: An...
The Sterling Memorial Library (SML) at Yale has undergone a major restoration that has returned the nave to its original...
Our 2014-2015 season started off on September 9, 2014 with Linda Greenhouse, winner of the 1998 Pulitzer Prize, who writes...