Optimizing Policing: The Role and Impact of Real-Time Crime Centers in Modern Law Enforcement and Violent Crime Case Clearances
Kimberly Przeszlowski, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, Quinnipiac University
Kimberly Przeszlowski is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice who has been with Quinnipiac University since 2023. She holds a B.A. in Criminal Justice from Lynn University, an M.S. in Criminology and Criminal Justice from Florida Atlantic University, and a Ph.D. in International Crime and Justice from Florida International University. In her current role, she instructs courses in the areas of policing and research methods within the Department of Justice and Law. Kimberly’s expertise in policing is rooted in her practical experience as an embedded criminologist within the Miami Police Department, where she helped implement and evaluate two distinct investigative support units through two separate Smart Policing Initiatives funded by the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance. Kimberly is a member of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences and the American Society of Criminology, where she regularly presents her work in the field. Aside from government technical reports, Kimberly has published her work in peer-reviewed journals, including Justice Quarterly, Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, The Police Journal: Theory, Practice, and Principles, and Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. Presently, her research is dedicated to investigating the influence of police technology on the resolution of violent and property crimes, alongside a thorough examination of public sentiments regarding its application. Kimberly takes pride in student mentorship and is an advocate of experiential learning, aiming to introduce and engage students in the field of policing and criminal justice.
In Person Meeting | 4:45 p.m.
The Elm City Club, 155 Elm Street, New Haven, CT
All are welcome to attend the talk.
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