- David Pettigrew, Ph.D.
- Steven J. Hoffler, Ph.D., LCSW
- Meredith N. Sinclair, Ph.D.
- Cassi A. Meyerhoffer, Ph.D.
“Racial Justice: Examining Roles and Responsibilities Using a Restorative Approach“
Steven J. Hoffler, Ph.D., LCSW, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Southern Connecticut State University
Dr. Hoffler’s scholarship and interests include child welfare workforce, restorative justice practices in the juvenile justice system, and mental health in the Black community. His work has been published in the Smith College Studies and examined the role that race, gender, and class plays in the clinician of-color-white client dyad. He most recently co-authored a book chapter in The Practice of Evaluation: Partnership Approaches for Community Change that addressed culture, context, common good and equity as integral to ethical evaluation practices. He is currently working on a manuscript that examines the impact of involving youth in the systemic design of restorative justice practices in congregate care settings.
“Confronting Whiteness & Embracing the Political in Justice Education”
Meredith N. Sinclair, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of English, Southern Connecticut State University
Dr. Sinclair’s research and teaching interests include critical, anti-racist curriculum and pedagogy and critical literacy as a component of justice-oriented education for adolescents and pre-service teachers. Her recent work has been published in Qualitative Inquiry, English Journal, the International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, and the Journal of Curriculum Theorizing. Her current work in progress examines the use of critical young adult literature as a means to support adolescents in recognizing and confronting systems of power and oppression.
“American Racism: Law Enforcement, Residential Segregation, and Public Education”
Cassi A. Meyerhoffer, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Southern Connecticut State University
Dr. Meyerhoffer’s research and teaching interests are in the areas of systemic racism, racial residential segregation, and the role of race in American policing. Dr. Meyerhoffer’s recent work has been published in Journal of Urban Affairs, Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, and Sociological Forum. Her forthcoming book, American Racism: Law Enforcement, Residential Segregation, and Public Education, focuses on contemporary systemic racism as it relates to the ways in which our criminal justice system intersects with our housing and education systems to create a matrix of inequality for Black people.